Filter Jar 2100cc

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Filter Jar 2100cc


A filter jar can be used to grow your own mycelium with shroom spores. The filter jar can be filled with a substrate such as brown rice, vermiculite and rice flour.



A filter jar can be used to grow your own mycelium with shroom spores. The filter jar can be filled with a substrate such as brown rice, vermiculite and rice flour. After making a nutritious substrate you can colonise it with shroom spores.

Multiple filter jars available for shrooms

This jar has a size of 2100cc. This filter jar can get you a yield of up to 1000 grams of fresh shrooms. Only 30 grams of fresh shrooms is needed. After growing the shrooms, you can best dry them, so you can build a year-supply of shrooms.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg


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