Fèves de cacao brutes cérémonielles - Guatemala

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Fèves de cacao brutes cérémonielles - Guatemala


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Experience the ancient magic of the Maya civilization with our Ceremonial Raw Cacao Beans from Guatemala. These exceptional cacao beans are carefully cultivated by local farmers in the lush highlands of Guatemala, where the fertile volcanic soil and unique climate create the ideal conditions for producing the highest quality cacao.

Our raw cacao beans are unprocessed and pure, preserving their natural nutrients and potent antioxidants. They are traditionally harvested and dried without exposure to high temperatures, ensuring a rich, complex flavor that is both earthy and slightly bitter, with subtle notes of fruit and nuts.

These cacao beans have been used for centuries in ceremonial rituals for their spiritual and energetic properties. They are revered as a sacred tool to open the heart, connect with your inner self, and promote a sense of well-being and balance. Perfect for use in cacao ceremonies, as an ingredient in superfood recipes, or simply to enjoy as a powerful and nourishing snack.

Cocoa beans rich in various nutrients

Cocoa beans are rich in various nutrients and bioactive compounds that provide various health benefits. Here are some of the key compounds that make cocoa beans healthy for humans:

  1. Flavonoïdes : Ces composés naturels sont connus pour leurs propriétés antioxydantes, qui peuvent protéger les cellules de l'organisme contre les dommages causés par les radicaux libres. Les flavonoïdes présents dans le cacao, tels que l'épicatéchine et la catéchine, peuvent contribuer à réduire l'inflammation et à améliorer la santé cardiaque en favorisant la vasodilatation et en abaissant la tension artérielle.
  2. Magnésium : Les fèves de cacao sont une excellente source de magnésium, un minéral essentiel à plus de 300 réactions biochimiques dans l'organisme, y compris la fonction musculaire et nerveuse, la régulation de la glycémie et le contrôle de la tension artérielle.
  3. Le fer : Ils contiennent également du fer, qui est essentiel au transport de l'oxygène dans le sang et peut contribuer à prévenir l'anémie.
  4. Antioxydants : Besides flavonoids, cocoa beans contain other antioxidants such as polyphenols, which can protect against chronic diseases, including heart disease.
  5. Théobromine : Il s'agit d'un stimulant léger que l'on trouve dans les fèves de cacao et qui peut contribuer à améliorer la vivacité d'esprit et à réduire la fatigue. La théobromine a également un léger effet diurétique et peut contribuer à améliorer la santé cardiaque.
  6. Fibre : Les fèves de cacao sont riches en fibres alimentaires, qui peuvent faciliter la digestion et favoriser un microbiome intestinal sain. Les fibres peuvent également contribuer à réguler la glycémie et à favoriser la gestion du poids.
  7. Des graisses saines : Elles contiennent des graisses saines telles que l'acide oléique, une graisse monoinsaturée qui peut contribuer à améliorer le taux de cholestérol et à promouvoir la santé cardiaque.


100% Ceremonial Raw Cacao Beans from Guatemala.


Yes, you can consume raw cacao beans directly or crumble them and add them to food. The taste can be quite bitter and strong, which not everyone likes. You can consider lightly roasting the beans before consumption to soften the flavour and improve the texture, although this may reduce some nutrients.

Utilisation à des fins cérémonielles

Preparing cocoa beans for ceremonial use is a process that requires respect and consideration for the spiritual and cultural significance of cocoa. For a single dose of ceremonial cocoa drink, a quantity of about 20 to 40 grams of raw cocoa beans is often recommended. However, this depends on personal preference, the desired strength of the drink, and the specific practice or tradition being followed.

  1. Light dose: For a milder experience, which may be suitable for beginners or people with a higher sensitivity to cocoa, you could start with about 20 grams of cocoa beans.
  2. Standard dose: For a standard ceremonial dose, which aims for a deeper connection and more pronounced effects, 30 to 40 grams of cocoa beans are often used.
  3. Strong dose: Some ceremonies call for a stronger dose, perhaps 40 grams or more, depending on the context and leadership of the ceremony. It is important to remember that a higher dose may also increase the risk of side effects such as nausea or overstimulation.

Here is a general guide to preparing cocoa beans for ceremonial use, as used in various traditional and contemporary ceremonies:

  1. Cleansing
    Start with a physical and energetic cleansing of the room, yourself, and the cocoa beans. This may include smoke of white sage, palo santo or another cleansing ritual. For the beans themselves, a simple rinse under running water may suffice, with the intention of cleansing them of any negative energies.
  2. Roasting
    Roasting cocoa beans helps develop the flavours and makes it easier to remove the husk. Roast the beans lightly on a low heat while keeping your attention and intention on the process and the upcoming ceremony. Keep stirring constantly to avoid burning.
  3. Peel
    After roasting, let the beans cool. Next, peel off the skin of each bean. This can be done manually, sometimes rolling the beans lightly between your hands or on a clean cloth to make the process easier.
  4. Grind
    The shelled beans can then be ground into a fine paste. This can be done with a manual grinder, a stone mill or a modern food processor. Intention and attention during this process are crucial for preserving the cocoa’s spiritual qualities.
  5. Preparing the drink
    Mix the cocoa paste with hot water (do not use boiling water as this can damage the active ingredients) and stir well. Traditionally, no sweeteners are added to this, but depending on the specific ceremony and personal preference, honey, chilli, vanilla, or other natural ingredients can be added to enrich the experience.
  6. Intention and Prayer
    Before the cocoa is served, say an intention or prayer over the drink. This is a time to invoke the spirit of cocoa and ask for permission and blessings for the ceremony.
  7. Consumption
    The cocoa drink is drunk in a ceremonial context, often in a circle and accompanied by a facilitator or shaman. Participants may be encouraged to meditate on their intention, share in a circle, or participate in other ritual practices.
  8. It is important to remember that respect for cocoa and the cultures that have used this sacred plant for centuries is central to any ceremony. Ceremonial use of cocoa is a powerful way to connect with your heart, with others, and with the earth.


Ceremonial Raw Cocoa Beans – Guatemala – 200 grams
